If you’re a Harvard student who’d be interested in working with me this fall during my Radcliffe Fellowship — or know one — you can find info about my project and becoming my research partner here.
My Patreon
I’ve launched a Patreon! The bulk of my online presence will shift from Twitter to here.
Dying City opens
We run through June 30 at Second Stage!
Mary Elizabeth Winstead and Colin Woodell
Radcliffe Fellowship
I am a 2019-2020 Radcliffe Fellow, and will be researching and writing a play that investigates disability this fall at Harvard.
National Disability Theatre
I am pleased to be working with National Disability Theater, in partnership with the Goodman and La Jolla Playhouse!
Update: Dying City
I am now directing the revival of Dying City at Second Stage!
Judgment Day Tickets on Sale
UPDATE: The New York Times published an interesting primer on Horváth, in which I’m quoted.
Tickets for Richard Jones’s production of Judgment Day, the remarkable Ödön von Horváth play I’m adapting, are now on sale!
Dying City Tickets on Sale
Tickets for Dying City are now available! If you’re under 30, you can get tickets for $30. If you’re 30+, you can get discount tickets at Broadway Box for a limited time. For full info on the show, visit 2st.com.
Mary Elizabeth Winstead & Colin Woodell in Dying City
Casting for Dying City at Second Stage has been announced!
Mary Elizabeth Winstead and Colin Woodell
Theater Fag podcast
I was delighted to talk with Tommy O’Malley for his podcast Theater Fag. Listen here!
Year in Review
In 2018 I began work on new projects for 2019 and beyond, one of which has just been announced — Judgment Day at Park Avenue Armory. Also this year, I wrote on René Girard for Los Angeles Review of Books and on Max Ritvo for Slate. I answered a question for The Creative Independent on the challenges of writing, and spoke to WNYC about disability representation in Hollywood. I also wrote a number of Medium posts on various subjects as the spirit moved me. Looking ahead: Dying City will be revived at Second Stage in spring 2019, and Judgment Day will premiere at the end of the year.
Wade Thompson Drill Hall at Park Avenue Armory
Letters from Max
For Slate, I wrote about the book of letters between Max Ritvo and Sarah Ruhl.
Max Ritvo
Judgment Day
I am thrilled and honored to be adapting Ödön von Horváth's extraordinary 1937 play Judgment Day in a new production at the Park Avenue Armory, directed by Richard Jones!
Ödön von Horváth
Playwriting panel at Drama Book Shop
Read Against for free
Dying City in Caracas
Dying City is being performed in Caracas from August 11 to September 9 at La Caja De Fósforos.
Amneris Treco and Simón González
"Evolution of Desire" review for LARB
I reviewed Cynthia Haven's moving biography of René Girard for Los Angeles Review of Books.
The Takeaway
I was a guest on PRI's The Takeaway to discuss disability representation in response to two recent movies, Skyscraper and Don't Worry, He Won't Get Far on Foot.
A portrait of me, by Peter Bellamy, taken at the New School in April.
Dying City revival
My 2006 play Dying City will be revived in 2019 by Second Stage, directed by Lila Neugebauer!